Friday, September 5, 2008


Hey friends,

PLEASE READ BELOW: This is an incredibly important opportunity for Durham community memebers to show their support AGAINST dog tethering. The meeting will take place this Monday, at 200 East Mainstreet in downtown Durham @ 7 pm. Hope to see you there!

Dear caroline,

Thank you to everyone who attended the recent public hearing and contacted the Durham County commissioners! As you know, vital legislation that would restrict the cruel and dangerous practice of tethering is currently before the Durham County Board of Commissioners. The commissioners will now hold a meeting this Monday, September 8, to continue discussing this legislation. More help is needed to support this ordinance. Please attend the meeting to urge the commissioners to do the right thing by supporting the proposed anti-tethering ordinance.

The extremely cruel—and common—practice of keeping dogs chained, or "tethered," deprives these highly social pack animals of proper socialization and exercise and often leaves them unable to reach whatever shelter, food, and water has been provided for them. Many dogs grow aggressively protective of their tiny spaces and attack animals and people—including children—who come near them. Other dogs get tangled in their own chains and injure or strangle themselves.

Dozens of Americans have been attacked by chained dogs in the past year. In response to such attacks and cruelty-to-animals cases that involved severely neglected chained dogs, at least 115 U.S. jurisdictions have passed laws addressing this issue.

If it becomes law, the proposed ordinance would ban tethering, except when an animal is attended. The legislation also includes exemptions for dogs engaged in activities such as herding, hunting, and law enforcement.

Today, please take the following actions:

  • Call, write, and e-mail the County Board of Commissioners, and politely urge them to support the proposed ordinance.
  • Plan on attending the meeting on Monday, September 8, at 7 p.m. to show support for the ordinance. Opponents will attend in an attempt to defeat this legislation. You do not need to speak; just be there to show your support! The hearing will be held on the second floor of the Old County Courthouse at 200 E. Main St. in Durham.

Please remind your public officials that chained dogs are nearly three times as likely to attack as dogs who are not chained are. In addition, point out that children are the most common victims of attacks by chained dogs.

Also, please forward this message to others in the area who might be willing to lend their support to this important issue. Durham County's forgotten and neglected dogs are counting on you.

Thank you for your willingness to act and for your compassion for animals.


Candace Hertzel
Legislative and Outreach Specialist
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animal

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